Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Broaden Mind

Hi :)
Yesterday i was exhausted from my pilates classes.
I got home, changed clothes and was relaxing, drinking a glass of peach tea. Hmmm...

I wrote something, well, emotional on my twitter.
I forgot what it was.
A good friend texted me and asked about that stuff i wrote.
I didn't give her completeness, for very personal issue i was dealing.

When your friend is at his/her lowest point in his life, what we all do is cheering him/her up by comparing our drawbacks in life too. We do it all the time, huh? Physiologically, it does calming you down.

So, she did it that way, was comparing her miserable life with mine.
I appreciate her in doing such things, not that I'm glad other has more miserable life than me. Not that i agree she has more miserable life than i am. No. What a bad person I am if I thought so.
She did opened my mind, broaden mind.

I talked to Felix once I received all those comparing stuff from her.
These is exactly what I wrote on my screen to Felix:

"Zy, tapi selama aku di SBM. I am developing.
I meet a lot of good friends.
I find you :)
I have made several achievements, not big though.
I am growing-up.
I am well-educated.
I know stuff.
I got closer with Indung and didik-didik.
I just don't have a loving father.
The rest? It is perfect.
Emang hidup ga boleh sempurna ya, Zy?
Ga boleh sempurna biar aku ga berhenti berusaha dan berdoa"

Wonder what his reply was?

He said: “my baby’s grown-up :)

He should broad his mind too, i guess, for what he has done to people surround him.

He just don’t realize,

I have had because i have been having a relationship with one grown-up man.

Have a wonderful Friday, folks!

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

My All Time Favorite Lecture is An Economist

It may sounds boring for you.
Well, maybe because you do not have Economic lecture as great as mine.
He is Mr. Soebiakto Soekarno.

Ini cerita gue tentang dosen favorit gue selama di SBM. Dan beliau baru gue temukan, I mean gue baru menjatuhkan pilihan ke-favorit-an gue terhadap dosen pertama kali kepada beliau.

Pertama kali beliau memberikan kuliah ekonomi sama seperti dosen pada umumnya. Kuliah yang bikin anak-anak se-auditorium bilang: "okaayy, boriiiing" atau nanya ke temen sebelahnya "istirahat jam berapa sih?"
Dan yang kita pikirkan saat itu hanya kemungkinan bahwa dia adalah pendiri Ksubi/Tsubi jeans yang sebenarnya. From that day on, we call him Pak Subi instead of Pak Biakto.
Gue yang sangat bloon dengan logika sangat males tiap masuk kuliah ekonomi. Gue pun sangat pesimis dengan masa depan gue di bidang ekonomi ini.
But it turns out the other way around :)

Gue inget tepatnya gue mulai suka sama mata kuliah ini. Waktu itu Pak Biakto sedang mengajar tentang Externalities, dan gue lupa itu bab apa. Di hari itu, beliau banyak cerita tentang kehidupan dia waktu sekolah di Amerika. He's such a funny guy since he often makes jokes in class. Moreover, he does tell us acknowledgement. This is what I like the most. A lecture teaches us something any books do not have.

Guru yang baik itu bisa bikin muridnya jadi suka sama pelajaran yang dia bawakan. Menurut gue, itu yang Pak Subi lakukan. Beliau bikin kelasnya bisa dengerin dia.
I adore him and I want to obtain good score in his class. There's this feeling about pleasing him by obtaining a good score, like he's been great in lecturing us why wouldn't I be great too as a student?
So, I tried my best in learning these economy thingy, and began to like economy.
Dari semua buku yang pernah gue beli selama di SBM, buku yang paling gue baca adalah buku Ekonomi. Gue baca buku ekonomi tanpa paksaan dan keluhan. I just love reading it. Dan melahap chapter per chapter-nya. Info tambahan, buku ke-2 yang sering gue baca adalah buku Financial Analysist *tapi yang ini penuh paksaan, keluhan dan bantingan pada buku

Ini bukan hanya pemikiran gue aja.
In America, everybody loves Raymond.
In SBM ITB, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, everybody loves Pak Subiakto :D
It was when he was turning 50, and tutors had set this birthday surprise for him.
Ain't that too sweet?

Gue inget kata-kata dia setelah menerima segala bentuk surprise ini:
"begini enaknya jadi dosen. paling ga, ada 174 orang yang mendoakan saya"
Menyentuhhhhhh yaaahh? :">

It is kinda amazing how a person can make bunch of people move forward.
Just like our charismatic founding father, Bung Karno.
No wonder. Pak Subi's last name is, too, Soekarno.

Today, i can describe myself that i have interest in economy. Things like forex trading, import and export, government spending are now one of my concern. Not that i want to make improvement on it. Intinya, gue lebih mengerti ada apa sebenarnya di dunia ini hahaha.
Well, semakin gue tau tentang sesuatu, semakin gue berani menghadapai apapun. Aren't we all?

At his last lecturing, Pak Subi gave us, his student, priceless lesson.
Beliau dengan niat nya which was very very menyentuh menyiapkan slide untuk kelas terakhir dia yang isinya ga ada hubungannya sama ekonomi sama sekali.
Gue lupa slide itu dari mana, kalau ga salah dari Linux company (correct me if I am wrong) yang isinya:
26 huruf yang ada masing-masing di beri kan nomer secara berurut
contoh: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 dan seterusnya sampai Z = 26
ada satu hal yang sangat penting, dan harus kita kedepankan dalam kehidupan kita nanti. satu hal ini merupakan rangkaian huruf yang jika dijumlahkna akan menjadi 100, which means 100%, so it counts big time for our lives ahead

H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K only matters for (8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 +11=)98% of our lives.

So, instead of Trust, Luck, etc, the most important to remember is our Attitude.

A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E that matters (1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5=) 100% of our lives.

Therefore, you don't have to know every opportunity cost from every chooses you have to make. You don't have to know which phase the market would go next year. You do not have to be bothered by the increasing or decreasing of rupiah.

One thing that matters is your attitude.

Change your attitude, change your life.

Dan kata-kata terakhir beliau sebelum mengakhiri kelas terakhirnya untuk kami adalah:
"kalian boleh lupa semua pelajaran yang selama ini saya berikkan, tapi jangan lupakan apa yang saya berikkan di kelas terakhir saya"

some teacher, huh? :)

Thank you for being a great teacher, Pak Subiakto :)